Monday, April 9, 2012

Religion and Politics

Well people already know about how much of a life changer Rick Santorum had in his life and how much he became a religious politician. But Clearly shown here is that the reference of God is here and how we watches everyone, but for this cartoon they made Santorum a Religious figure and  says, "Brother Santorum is watching you". Creepy, yet amusing at the same time.

Friday, April 6, 2012

The 99%

Here is shown a guy yelling at the occupy guys and basically tries to prove a point to him. The man responds to the tea party guy and says that Obama doesn't have a coherent message because he describes Obama as a Kenyan Muslim Socialist Nazi who wants to make grandma sit before a death panel. With so much sarcasm you can already see how much of an ignorant attitude both have for each other and how both do not see eye to eye on anything.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

With the views of each person form this tea party, this here is a hit from the tea party. The rabbit with the "Obama is a socialist" sign, clearly shows the a main view from the Tea Party as a whole! The little bear has a sign that says, "I want my country back" which makes it seem like American has turned into a country that has been turned over to Communist or something. The man with the top hat has a sing that says,"Wheres the birth certificate" after the whole spill on releasing the Presidents birth certificate and stuff. And alice herself says that this was the stupidest tear party ever. Ad she said that because it clearly was the view of the Tea Party on Obama.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Big Giant Elephant.

Republicans attack? Hmm..sounds like Star Wars. But here shown is a cartoon that displays the war between Democrats and Republicans. The man squashed under the hammer is a middle man, one who does not show any sign of being a donkey or elephant. He says that there is no difference between democrats and Republicans. Then his eyeball states that republicans are way worse! And on the hammer, it has that "All out assault on the working class" and from here the Republicans are on the tails of Hard working americans and how they see it has us asking for more but for the government to back off.

Monday, March 26, 2012

An Equal Opportunity Employer. BULL@#$%

This right here shows the job scarcity in America. With the economy being bad, the job market is basically tracking down those who actually really did do something in there lives and went to college and got a degree, while those who were laid off aren't even looked at in the job market. For those who want a good career here you have to be this and that and you have to have been completed this. Here is the most simplest of requirements and it basically shows more then just one requirement to get a good paying job and a good career.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Slap Chop

Remember that guy named Lance who sold us the Slap Chop? Well his successor here is bringing us the Slap Chop 2.0 and has also given us a free gift too! Well you know what, lets get back to reality here. Obama is shown here clearly advertising and how he thinks its super easy for people to buy and sell while at the same time the economy is basically in danger. Also, while people do give away free things, nothing in America is free and to come to realize that nothing is as easy with money.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Who to Choose?

Decision 2012

Who should be our Frankenstein and revamp America's Economy? And right here shows the choices for the surgeon to put on the body here. It is Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney. But..why those 2 only? Because they both support Supply Side Economics which is a school of macroeconomic thought that argues that economic growth can be most effectively created by lowering barriers for people to produce (supply) goods and services, such as lowering income tax and capital gains tax rates, and by allowing greater flexibility by reducing regulation. With this type of idea to run a national economy, the only 2 present are Newt and Romney, and its hard to choose which one to be good enough to pull off.