Thursday, March 29, 2012

Big Giant Elephant.

Republicans attack? Hmm..sounds like Star Wars. But here shown is a cartoon that displays the war between Democrats and Republicans. The man squashed under the hammer is a middle man, one who does not show any sign of being a donkey or elephant. He says that there is no difference between democrats and Republicans. Then his eyeball states that republicans are way worse! And on the hammer, it has that "All out assault on the working class" and from here the Republicans are on the tails of Hard working americans and how they see it has us asking for more but for the government to back off.

Monday, March 26, 2012

An Equal Opportunity Employer. BULL@#$%

This right here shows the job scarcity in America. With the economy being bad, the job market is basically tracking down those who actually really did do something in there lives and went to college and got a degree, while those who were laid off aren't even looked at in the job market. For those who want a good career here you have to be this and that and you have to have been completed this. Here is the most simplest of requirements and it basically shows more then just one requirement to get a good paying job and a good career.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Slap Chop

Remember that guy named Lance who sold us the Slap Chop? Well his successor here is bringing us the Slap Chop 2.0 and has also given us a free gift too! Well you know what, lets get back to reality here. Obama is shown here clearly advertising and how he thinks its super easy for people to buy and sell while at the same time the economy is basically in danger. Also, while people do give away free things, nothing in America is free and to come to realize that nothing is as easy with money.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Who to Choose?

Decision 2012

Who should be our Frankenstein and revamp America's Economy? And right here shows the choices for the surgeon to put on the body here. It is Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney. But..why those 2 only? Because they both support Supply Side Economics which is a school of macroeconomic thought that argues that economic growth can be most effectively created by lowering barriers for people to produce (supply) goods and services, such as lowering income tax and capital gains tax rates, and by allowing greater flexibility by reducing regulation. With this type of idea to run a national economy, the only 2 present are Newt and Romney, and its hard to choose which one to be good enough to pull off. 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Who should quit? All of them.

One points at another and has a reason to. Romney to Santorum, Santorum to Gingrich, then Gingrich to Paul. And what all others have that Paul doesnt? Is that his supporters like him atleast, and above here it is his statement! Romney is the front runner of course he can't quit! But Santorum denies that and basically says that he beat him in 3 states, but basically wants Newt to quit! But Newt states that he won South Carolina, a big state to win, and points to Paul and calls him a bozo, but Paul, says that his supporters like him compared to all the others. In a way, you could say that everyone has there reasons on why the other opponent should quit but to my knowledge, no one likes any of them, and all of them should drop out.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Colbert Report March 6th 2012

This video speaks about Super Tuesday and how Colbert chooses his nominee for the wins from the states. During his rant about Romney and how he tries to be more relaxed during the Republican Race, he basically mocks Romney and has on a blue collar because Romney's main focus was to focus the hard working class. But what was so funny about that was that Romney is RICH! How could he ever put his own situation on the line of a hard working blue collard American? That is the question on how he targets the working class because he himself is stinkin' Rich that he could own practically America.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Pants is on FIYAHHHHHH

John Cole - The Scranton Times-Tribune - Romney pants on fire COLOR - English - mitt romney, romney, hair on fire, romneycare, obamacare, gop, michigan

In this cartoon, we see the exaggeration of Mitt Romney's character and basically see his personality come to life. With the slogan, of RomneyCare, its putting Barack's plan called Obama Care that is seen as wrong. Meaning that Romney does not have the same views as Obama. Also, with his pants burning, they follow the riddle of
Liar liar, pants on fire" and Romney at times could be that liar. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Seismic Waves

Don't like Obama, its cool. Your a Republican. Anyways, this cartoon here shows that the whole Country could and trust all of the things Mr. Obama does or say. This might even go back to the comment at sparked up made interest about Nuclear Arms and stuff like that. He replied and stated that this is not the right time to talk to eachother about. From there, Mr. Obama has been under cover, (but when is he not)? But in a sense that he needs a polygraph and there's so much printed out? What is the deal with that? How many questions were asked about a man who basically lives in secrecy? Who knows, but from what we know, Mr. Obama is doing his job correctly and there is nothing that we the people should question about.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

I like Dinero.

David Fitzsimmons - The Arizona Star - Romney on top - English - Mitt Romney

Woof Woof. Well in the mind of Mitt Romney it is "Cha Ching!". For this cartoon, just looking at the phrases of "Pay taxes! Me! What Taxes" to "I'm the 1%" shows the reality of how much of a money hungry fiend that Mitt Romney is and how this cartoon portrays it very well. Also, it shows some Republicans inside the car driving him and how they say, "Muzzle him when we get to the main road" meaning that his hype and silence should go away when it hits the Republican National Convention.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Where do we go to vote?

Political Participation sums up this cartoon. The title of this cartoon is "Democratic Equality" and bascially from here shows the voter turnout for an election. You have the legitimate voters entering the "Vote Here" path, then you have those who do not excercise there right to vote entering the "Dont Vote Here" path. Both entrances symbolized what America is like as of this time becuase you have those who do want there voice to be heard, and those who think that there voice will never be heard and that there vote does not count. Without voter participation, nothing will change without a massive turn out of those who do want change. That is why democracy should promote the equal right to education, equal economic rights and equal freedom rights. And this right here portrays the turn out of Americans during election time.