Saturday, March 17, 2012

Who should quit? All of them.

One points at another and has a reason to. Romney to Santorum, Santorum to Gingrich, then Gingrich to Paul. And what all others have that Paul doesnt? Is that his supporters like him atleast, and above here it is his statement! Romney is the front runner of course he can't quit! But Santorum denies that and basically says that he beat him in 3 states, but basically wants Newt to quit! But Newt states that he won South Carolina, a big state to win, and points to Paul and calls him a bozo, but Paul, says that his supporters like him compared to all the others. In a way, you could say that everyone has there reasons on why the other opponent should quit but to my knowledge, no one likes any of them, and all of them should drop out.

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